blogs and new feeds. So I had a go at searching using and Technorati ( was unavailable). I always use Google for all of my searching needs, so if it was a current event that I wanted to look up on, I'd use Google and it would turn up
some relevant news website links along with
a lot of other links that may not may not be relevant or what I'm looking for. Good thing with is that it turns up relevant news feed items, not much random web pages or sites.
I think they're all pretty simple to use, just type in the search word or phrase that you have. I searched the Auckland Internation Film Festival on but only had a handful of newsfeeds came up. Does that mean there aren't a lot of coverage on this topic or maybe I've got the title wrong? Going off on a tangent here, have you thought about going to the Film Fest and what films you're going to see? I think there are some pretty good French films so hopefully I'd be able to find time to go...
Righto, onto the next task!