This week's about social networking, think Facebook, Myspace and Bebo. Even though I consider myself slight anti-social, I actually have accounts for all three of those sites. Ha, just shows even I can't escape common trends of youngsters of today.I added the the Auckland City Libraries bebo account as a friend (2 days later they accepted. Whoo i've got one more friend! lol what an accomplishment) and went onto Myspace to check out Maroon 5, one of my favourite bands.I just visited the Hennepin County Library Facebook. I loved how they put the catalogue search on their page, what a good idea. But um since Facebook changed their layout, i find it really confusing navigating the pages.. don't you think that everything just looks so sparse? No more random bumper stickers, super wall posts or anything, just the basics. I miss the old layout..Time for Picture of the week again!
Image Credit: Flight of the Conchords TribeFlight of the Conchords' this awesome kiwi comedy duo/band that's making a name for themselves in the States. Check out their HBO series of the same name. It's hilarious! Here's a little scene from the series.Mugger: What is this? Why does this phone have a camera glued to it?
Bret: It's a camera phone. Jemaine wanted one for his birthday.
Mugger: (To other mugger) Look at this. (To Bret) Oh yeah? Where'd you get it?
Bret: I made it. It's homemade.
Mugger: Yeah, it's a piece of shit.
Bret: Well, how come Jemaine likes it so much?
Jemaine: You can have it.